Many sunglasses leave a good name to posterity as the movie itself. Tracing it to its cause, it largely depends on that the actor chooses the right eyeglasses to interpret the role’s character and destiny. Sunglasses unconsciously become a part of them, an unforgettable mark.
Female restore ancient way sunglasses with red frame: Lolita The 14-year-old girls are eager to become mature and sexy. Lolita learns to through the stylish sunglasses to stare at men, laughing in demagogic eyes, She wears the 20-year-old woman's clothes and high heels to show sex appeal. But it is her youthful innocence of fourteen year old girl that loses man’s mind.
Black sunglasses only to make cool - Matrix. No matter who is going to imitate The Matrix, so long as to wear this black cheap glasses, it had already won seven points; If you don't wear them, you will not be so successful even if he copies all the other details. Unless he have the eye like Keanu Reaves.
Marginal-Product of High Technology: The Terminator 3 Because the science fiction movies need to look very cool, so when the actor's eyes are not cool enough, obediently hiding behind the sunglasses. It's definit the biggest convention of scifi-movies with the post of black suits and black eyeglass frames.
A door of phonomamia:The Godfather. The Godfather is so classic is at:they kill person but they not callousness. They teach you some life principles with blood and tears; You would know the killer’s hidden pain and sorrow.